The Hurricane replacement ECU is a plug + play solution to changing the flash allowing a 35HP gain to the 900R/MachZ.
All functions such as: cluster, smart shocks, electric reverse, heated handlebars, Launch Control, etc, work as intended and as equipped from BRP.
The Hurricane 900R/MachZ ECU is easily installed by removing the stock ECU and installing the Hurricane replacement ECU in it’s place. Simply zip-tie the ECU mount as the stock mount was and connect the 2 wire connectors from the stock harness.
The Hurricane 900R/MachZ replacement ECU includes Hurricane Flash for safe operation at 225HP or 230HP with Hurricane Mid Pipe (or) Sandale 900 ACE T Mid Downpipe installed on 91 octane fuel with closed loop 02 and knock protection.
Hurricane-machz-900r-Clutch-Kit or the Cudney clutch kit will need to be ADDED to this purchase to harness the increased HP.
Fuel pump fuse change required from 10amp to 20amp
*ECU will need to be calibrated for sled once installed. Please call to schedule ECU calibration*
*One year engine warranty included with new ECU purchase*
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